
Fee Explanation Rate
Crypto Deposits Depositing digital currencies on KoinoNIA custody funds Free
Fiat Deposits Depositing fiat currencies on KF custody funds Free
USD Withdrawal/WUSD Conversion Withdrawal of Incentives or USD to WUSD Conversion 20%
User to User Transfer WUSD to WUSD (User to User) Free
Fiat Withdrawal Withdrawing fiat to a Bank account 5% with a minimum 500 USD
Dividend/Distribution Payout to KF Funds account in event of a Dividend/Distribution 5%
Exit event / Share Distribution Payout to KF Funds account in event of Company Exit / Distribution of shares Transfer costs + 5%
Secondary Market Maker (Buy) Trade Seller's Fee 1.25% if paid in NIA

2.50% if paid in USD

Secondary Market Taker (Sell) Trade Seller's Fee 1.25% if paid in NIA

2.50% if paid in USD

Raising finance Standard service fee for raising funds with KF from 5% + 5000 USD
Share Transfer Legal Fee Shares are non-transferable unless they trade on our secondary market. In case of transfer all legal fees will need to be covered to complete the transfer legal agreements. $1,500 per share transfer